Tuzla, Mustafa Kemal Blv. 54/B, 48300 Fethiye/Muğla, Türkiye

22metrelik yol, Esnaf Hastanesi Kavşağı, Birim AVM Karşısı, Google Haritalardaki yer yanlış, oradan 250 metre daha ilerde sağdayız

Operating Hours

Monday 10:00 to 22:00
Tuesday 10:00 to 22:00
Wednesday 10:00 to 22:00
Thursday 10:00 to 22:00
Friday 10:00 to 22:00
Saturday 10:00 to 22:00
Sunday 10:00 to 22:00
What products and services does Öz Sivas Pide offer?

You can access all the items and services that we offer as grouped here or in pages here.

Can I message to Öz Sivas Pide manager directly?

Yes. You can send a direct message to us via

Can I contact Öz Sivas Pide via Whatsapp?

Yes you can whatsapp us from +905522381800. Additionaly, you can contact us via other channels and message us on

How can I contact Öz Sivas Pide?

You can phone call here via +902526124858, or explore more contact methods.

What is email address of Öz Sivas Pide?

You can email Öz Sivas Pide via [email protected]

Where is Öz Sivas Pide?

Öz Sivas Pide, address is Tuzla, Mustafa Kemal Blv. 54/B, 48300 Fethiye/Muğla, Türkiye.

How to get here?

Find out how you can get here by walking, driving, public transportation, or by bicycle.

What are the working hours? Are you open now? When will you open your store, if currently closed?

Öz Sivas Pide is currently . You can learn weekly operating hours from here.

In what fields does Öz Sivas Pide operate?

Öz Sivas Pide is serving in Fırın category.